Erika Lewis, BS 22, MS 24

Erika has been selected to be James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Fellow in 2023. A James Madison Fellowship funds up to $24,000 of each Fellow’s course of study towards a master’s degree. She is one of 50 recipients selected from around the United States. Recipients are required to teach American history, American government, or civics in a secondary school for at least one year for each year of fellowship support. The award is intended to recognize promising and distinguished teachers, to strengthen their knowledge of the origins and development of American constitutional government and expose the nation’s secondary school students to accurate knowledge of the nation’s constitutional heritage.

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Maxie Rockymore, BA 15

Rockymore’s short film, “Fresh Cut!” won the Audience Award at the Golden Gate International Film Festival and has been nominated for other film awards. 


Christina Clark Okarmus, BS 09

Christina was promoted to the role of executive director of the Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health (ACASH) in 2019. In her role, Christina leads the organization in fighting fearlessly for the rights of Alabama adolescents to have access to comprehensive sex education. Christina’s work takes her into Alabama communities


Paul Currier, BA 85

Paul celebrated his 25 Year Anniversary with AbbVie in 2024 and achieved the S2/2024 Bright Sparks Peer Award as neuroscience Senior Field Reimbursement Manager.